About me


My name is William Garcia, and I'm currently years old. I'm an experienced Desktop Support Technician who graduated from California State University of Los Angeles with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

I am seeking an opportunity to grow as a software developer in a reputable company where I can apply the fundamentals learned throughout my baccalaureate education, utilize my industry skills, and further develop my information technology knowledge.

What i can offer


Ensure every part of the job gets done and do what is needed to complete any tasks. I take responsibility for my duties and mistakes.

Time Management

I am a dependable person who is excellent at time management. Always on time for organized events, work-related or otherwise.


Always energetic and eager to learn new skills. Hardworking and always the last to leave the office.

Critical Thinking

Able to reason thoughtfully and determine the best steps needed. Capable of coming up with a quick and effective solution. Competent in creating new and better ways to work.

Communication Skills

Written and verbally, communicate with coworkers and clients/customers in all situations. The key strength is communication and building strong relationships with coworkers to deliver the best results.


Dynamically and adaptable to every situation, I can use various methods and approaches in different circumstances to get the best results.


Competent in organizing tasks and projects for coworkers, management, and at the very least, myself.


Able to work as part of a team and individually. Contribute ideas to improve collaboration, visibility, and accountability to accomplish ultimate results.

Attentive to Detail

Follow all instructions to complete work. Pay attention to all detail to prevent potential mistakes.


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

California State University of Los Angeles, Class of 2019


Program Language


Main programming language, 4yrs of experience


Favorite front-end framework, 3yrs of experience


How everything started, 4yrs of experience


Came with HTML5, 4yrs of experience


Made HTML5 more interesting, 3yrs of experience


Its too easy to use that its complicated, 2yrs of experience

Node Js

Why not? 3yrs of experience

Operating Systems

  • macOS Ventura (currently using)
  • macOS Monterey
  • macOS Big Sur
  • macOS Catalina
  • macOS Mojave
  • macOS High Sierra
  • macOS Sierra
  • OS X El Capitan
  • OS X Yosemite
  • OS X Maverick
  • OS X Mountain Lion
  • Mac OS X Lion
  • Mac OS X Snow Leopard
  • Mac OS X Leopard

  • Windows 11 (currently using)
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows vista
  • Windows XP

  • 13 (currently using)
  • 12
  • 11
  • 10
  • Pie
  • Oreo


 VS Code - Eclipse Java - Atom - Sublime Text - Android Studios - AWS - iSolved - VS Code - Eclipse Java - Atom - Sublime Text - Android Studios - AWS - iSolved - VS Code - Eclipse Java - Atom - Sublime Text - Android Studios - AWS - iSolved - VS Code - Eclipse Java - Atom - Sublime Text - Android Studios - AWS - iSolved -
 ANACONDA - TensorFlow - Microsoft Office - Google Drive - Github - Adobe - NOVAtime - ANACONDA - TensorFlow - Microsoft Office - Google Drive - Github - Adobe - NOVAtime - ANACONDA - TensorFlow - Microsoft Office - Google Drive - Github - Adobe - NOVAtime - ANACONDA - TensorFlow - Microsoft Office - Google Drive - Github - Adobe - NOVAtime -
 Dropbox - Social Media - Payroll - Slack - Discord - Skype - Timeco - Dropbox - Social Media - Payroll - Slack - Discord - Skype - Timeco - Dropbox - Social Media - Payroll - Slack - Discord - Skype - Timeco - Dropbox - Social Media - Payroll - Slack - Discord - Skype - Timeco - Dropbox - Social Media - Payroll - Slack - Discord - Skype - Timeco -
 VS Code - Eclipse Java - Atom - Sublime Text - Android Studios - AWS - iSolved - VS Code - Eclipse Java - Atom - Sublime Text - Android Studios - AWS - iSolved - VS Code - Eclipse Java - Atom - Sublime Text - Android Studios - AWS - iSolved - VS Code - Eclipse Java - Atom - Sublime Text - Android Studios - AWS - iSolved -
 ANACONDA - TensorFlow - Microsoft Office - Google Drive - Github - Adobe - NOVAtime - ANACONDA - TensorFlow - Microsoft Office - Google Drive - Github - Adobe - NOVAtime - ANACONDA - TensorFlow - Microsoft Office - Google Drive - Github - Adobe - NOVAtime - ANACONDA - TensorFlow - Microsoft Office - Google Drive - Github - Adobe - NOVAtime -
 Dropbox - Social Media - Payroll - Slack - Discord - Skype - Timeco - Dropbox - Social Media - Payroll - Slack - Discord - Skype - Timeco - Dropbox - Social Media - Payroll - Slack - Discord - Skype - Timeco - Dropbox - Social Media - Payroll - Slack - Discord - Skype - Timeco - Dropbox - Social Media - Payroll - Slack - Discord - Skype - Timeco -



ARIA (A Rather Intelligent Automobile)

ARIA (A Rather Intelligent Automobile)


2018 - 2019

Aerospace, 2018 - 2019

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Take notes and memos during meetings; type documents, drafts, and reports; sort and manage files.
  • Keep all documentation up to date
  • Detect and remove existing and potential errors
  • Knowledgeable with motion control devices such as servo motors and controllers
  • Able to create an area with anomalies for testing

Brief Summary:
ARIA consists of a remote control vehicle with various sensors and a microcontroller board (Arduino Uno R3) transmitting data back to the Desktop Application Module (DAM) to manage the machine learning aspects. The Arduino Uno R3 can provide simulation and translate into instructions for various types of hardware, such as satellites. The system software for ARIA is the DAM that runs on the server to provide several modes and features to the Elegoo vehicle.

The software offers four modes: Training Mode, Testing Mode, Manual Mode, and Autopilot Mode. The Training Mode allows the vehicle to read real-time data as it records data on anomalies. The Testing Mode enables the vehicle to test trials based on the stored data to learn how to behave in certain situations. The Manual Mode allows the vehicle to be controlled through a user interface on the DAM. Finally, the Autopilot Mode enables the vehicle to run autonomously based on the testing data.

The Vehicle Control Module (VCM) is the software for the Arduino Uno R3. It contains various libraries and methods that Elegoo provides to convert raw data from the sensors into actual data. The VCM sends real-time data to the DAM in bytes then the DAM converts the bytes into a Java String array. Then the strings will be parsed into primitive data types such as doubles and booleans. Finally, the VCM reads user input as a character from the DAM to move the vehicle forward, backward, left, and right depending on the given character.

In a more layman’s description of machine learning, the software will allow the car to improvise, adapt, overcome situations that it was not explicitly programmed to do (for example, It will conclude that driving continuously into a wall is a terrible decision).

By simple deduction, the software will not be structured with predetermined responses to some actions (for example, it will not be programmed to avoid walls). This type of setup allows the software to learn from mistakes to readily understand when and where errors can occur in the future.

My Website

My Website



www.williamgarciaresume.com (Old Domain)

2020 - 2021

www.williamgarcia.tech, 2022

www.williamgarciaresume.com (Old Domain), 2020 - 2021

What I used:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • CloudFlare

Brief Summary:
Within this website, you will find my information, projects, experience, and skills that I had gathered throughout my Computer Science career. The primary purpose of this website is to stand out when applying for a job and show what I'm capable of doing. I plan to keep this website up-to-date, and I will be posting some of my projects.

I chose this Domain name because it's easy to remember, my full name + .tech. My vision for this website is to use it as an easy-to-get resume that anyone can access. Plus, now people can download my actual resume in the About Me section. Creating this website also allowed me to gain experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS) as my webserver and Cloudflare for performance and security.

The design of this website was inspired by many modern websites that I like and find simple to use because I want everyone to have a pleasant experience while navigating on it.

Learn how I did About Me section

Download Source

<div class="container" style="padding: 90px 0px 0px 0px;" id="about">
    <div class="subheading mb-3">About Me</div>
        <div class="aboutme row no-gutters justify-content-md-center">
            <div class="col col-md-12 col-sm-12">
                <div class="row no-gutters border rounded overflow-hidden flex-md-row mb-4 shadow-sm h-md-250 position-relative">
                    <div class="avatar col-auto d-none d-lg-block">
                        <img class="rounded" src="./myself.png" width="250" height="250" alt="myself">
                    <div class="col p-4 d-flex flex-column position-static">
                        <h3 class="mb-0 text-primary">My Name</h3>
                        <script type="text/javascript" src="./main.js" onload="javascript:getAge()"></script>
                        <p class="card-text mb-auto">
                            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex, repellat ab. Natus, quo veniam! 
                            Reprehenderit quisquam cumque distinctio culpa, quibusdam animi corrupti? Ullam cumque non ipsa 
                            magnam qui numquam quae.
                            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Ex, repellat ab. Natus, quo veniam! 
                            Reprehenderit quisquam cumque distinctio culpa, quibusdam animi corrupti? Ullam cumque non ipsa 
                            magnam qui numquam quae.
                        <div class="download">
                        <h5>Download my file</h5>
                            <a href="./Read Me.txt"download="Read Me">
                            <button class="btn bg-primary text-white">
                                <i class="fa fa-download"></i> Download

/* Subhead About me */
.subheading {
    font-size: xx-large;                        

/* Download Button  */
.download .btn {
    border: none;
    cursor: pointer;
    font-size: 16px;                        

// Get Your age
function getAge() {
    var dob = new Date(2000,1,1);
    var diff_ms = Date.now() - dob.getTime();
    var age_dt = new Date(diff_ms);
    var age = Math.abs(age_dt.getUTCFullYear() - 1970);

    document.write("<div class=\"mb-1 text-muted\"> Age: " + age + " yrs </div>")

// About me Animation
window.sr = ScrollReveal();

sr.reveal('.avatar', {
    duration: 2000,
    delay: 1500,
    origin: 'top',
    distance: '200px',
    viewFactor: 0.7
sr.reveal('.aboutme', {
    duration: 2000,
    delay: 500,
    origin: 'bottom',
    distance: "50px",
    viewFactor: 0.8

Contact Me


Los Angeles, California 90026

Email me:

[email protected]

Email me:

[email protected]


Los Angeles, California 90026